Our New Website

Our New Website

Despite the obstacles, limitations and changes of programme, even this year has been for us a year of growth and satisfactions.

Our work has considerably increased, the staff has grown adding new very motivated young professionals. These events required a polishing and renewal of our communication tools.

We needed to find new words and images to describe our innovations, projects, processing and objectives that drive us every day.

Respecting our artisanal and sustainable spirit, which has always been our point of reference.

One of the results of this path is our website, that you are visiting right now.

A space filled with information but with a user-friendly navigation. Where all the things that represent us best and can explain who we are, have found the right space.

News: a Blog Narrating an Evolving Industry

Industrial carpentry is a sector constantly on the move, which has accompanied humanity through its evolution and construction of more and more challenging building projects. Often, overcoming the limits of imagination.

For the last 40 years SGL has not only observed this surprising change, we have been the leaders. We have experienced it in first person, and we have been one of the protagonists in Italy and abroad.

For this reason, when we decided to revise our website, we felt the need to develop it with a News section, where we could tell the story of this industry with articles, in-depth analysis, and other information.

Interviews, stories from the past and of the present, technical contents and projections that can be useful to those who don’t have a direct knowledge of the numerous opportunities that this industry can offer.

SGL Mix: Our True "Who We Are"

The identity theme has been fully covered by my father Giorgio, in his first article. But I would like to add something to his words.

Very often, I help our clients discover our world. The first effect that this journey has on them is always the same: they are astonished.

It’s truly surprizing for people that don’t have a daily acquaintance with our business, discover how many objects can be created with a “simple” metal sheet; and realize that all this can happen in just one place, using one supplier who has all the required equipment and knowledge to make any project come true. Yes, it can be really amazing.

Without any doubt, the winning Mix that makes us stand out is that we have all what’s needed to create every idea in an efficient and sustainable way. Without any limits and dispersion.

Progetto Scuole - Educational Program: From Our Territory to the World, Thanks to Our People.

Our employees are our wealth, the depositaries of our history and of our competences. Artisans and masters of their work, and members of a team that develops itself together, year after year. SGL is all this. Our human capital is our priority, but also an investment on the future. Our educational project called Progetto Scuole, comes from this awareness, and from the desire of selecting, training, and making young talents grow, giving them the opportunity of expressing immediately their maximum potential. Because we believe that taking care of people, means taking care of the territory, helping to build a different society. The result of the first cooperation with some local schools are available in the dedicated section. Stories, pictures and emotions that give the idea of what this connection with our territory means for us. Our educational project “Progetto Scuole” is open, therefore every school based on our territory is welcome. We will be glad to show their students what our industry is and let them appreciate all its infinite possibilities.

Marina Squaquara, CEO SGL