Alternanza Scuola Lavoro, work-school programme, is an educational project that sets the seeds for the future

Alternanza Scuola Lavoro, work-school programme, is an educational project that sets the seeds for the future

Students and our desire to catch their interest and arouse their passion, while valorising their talents is the core centre of our educational project Progetto Scuole SGL through the Alternanza Scuola Lavoro project .

Living the present time keeping always an eye on the future.

Most of all, this is what we want to do for our territory. Alternanza Scuola Lavoro (the educational work-school project created by the Italian Ministry of Education for high-school students), and more in general making ourselves available for the new generations as a professional context where they can grow and see their talents valorised. We decided to achieve this by creating a dedicated Project, open to all schools that wish to cooperate with us.

Click here to discover our Progetto scuole – educational project

Just a definition

Alternanza scuola-lavoro, the educational work-school project for high-school students created by the Italian Ministry of Education, is an innovative educational mode, which helps consolidate the knowledge acquired in school through practice, while testing on field the personal inclinations of the students, enriching their educational path helping them outline their future careers through projects aligned with their fields of study. Alternanza scuola-lavoro work-study program, is mandatory for all students of the last three years of high-school, including all types of “Liceo”, and it’s one of the most significant innovations of the 107 law of 2015 (La Buona Scuola), aligned with the principle of an open school. A cultural change for the building of an Italian path vs the dual system, which draws its inspiration from the best European practices, combining them with the specific characteristics of the industrial, social-cultural context of Italian society”. (Source: Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca)

“There is a sector that is fundamental for our growth, and where a long-term vision must merge with immediate action, that is our Educational system, and more in general investing on the younger generations. This has always been true, but the present situation makes an absolute imperative a massive investment in this field, of financial and intellectual resources”.

Mario Draghi – Former Italian Prime Minister

Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro, a Work-Study Programmes According to SGL: Programs and Results

The SGL Programma Scuola – the educational project by SGL – extends itself over 3 weeks. Its aim is to involve, teach and help young people develop a passion within a dynamic and stimulating working environment.
Regardless the limited time extension, the programme is built to make students autonomous while becoming an integrating part of our team.

In the specific:

  • A first week of orientation where to “observe and make“. The students get confidence with the rules they must respect, with the machineries and tools and with the people they will interact with. They change department and job every day in order to have a full view of the activities performed by the company.
  • The second week we go more in depth, where “they start working after having understood what to do“. Under the careful guide of our skilled professionals, they start programming the machines – even in this case a different machine every day.
  • The third week they experiment in first person, “they become the protagonists of their performances“. That is they start exploiting what observed and learnt, creating from zero a new piece – always supervised by the technical staff – following their own inspiration.

This is the Type of Future We Want to Build

Matteo – one of the most recent protagonists of Progetto Scuole SGL educational project – is the living proof of how the positive connections between school and companies can really be important not only for the students, but also for the companies’ growth, while building a close relationship between industrial activities and their territory.

His farewell words confirm this theory:

When I started this experience I was a bit sceptical, but I definitely changed my mind. I entered in SGL thinking that Mechanical studies had been a wrong choice, because I had no stimuli. The period spent in SGL made me change my mind.

Besides this, I was convinced that the industrial world was made only of “hard manual work”, while instead I realized that it requires lots of brains. Before doing you need to think”.

This is his report of the period spent with us:

“The first week I observed and did what I was told to do.

I had no idea of what I was doing, so I kept strictly to the instructions I received. Bending, stamping, trimming and laser cutting, punching and welding. In those first days I never stopped a second, and I took confidence with all the types of processing performed by the company.

The second week, I “really” started to work in every department. I asked questions and gave my contribution in a more active way, participating with my ideas.

The third week I worked in the technical office, where I became familiar with the software used to program the cutting and bending of the pieces. I followed the technical office staff to learn as much as I could, then I started making my own designs on a PC following their suggestions. Then the real challenge arrived: creating, designing and producing my own piece, where I had to take care of every detail. In my case, a PC holder that could raise the keyboard.

My journey in SGL has been very special.

I felt part of a bigger project. I understood that you must commit yourself in order to achieve results.

And this will help me grow and build my future“.

This Has Always Been the SGL Philosophy

Among the tools that are today available, the Alternanza scuola lavoro – educational project – is the most suitable way to allow students become acquainted with the industrial world.

Matteo’s story is just one of the endless stories we want to contribute to make come true. Mechanical industry is deeply rooted in our territory and we want to nurture its seeds every day in order to see them bloom very soon.

Marina Squaquara, CEO SGL