Metal Sheets: Who We Were, Who We Are and Who We Will Be

Metal Sheets: Who We Were, Who We Are and Who We Will Be

A 40-year history, a unique material, an indomitable passion and an eye to the future. Presenting SGL - Global Solutions for Metal Sheets

The most long-lasting projects often are the ones that come without a real premeditation and a bit of folly.

Listening to our passions more than following a rational planning.

Investing all we have and with all our energy, more than pacing every step in the name of graduality.

We followed a rather similar path.

If today we can tell our 40-year story, made of great satisfactions and achievements, it’s because we started off by following our idea and vision which we couldn’t just keep for ourselves.

When we started off in 1978 we couldn’t imagine how this project would change and evolve right in our hands. 

In those days, we couldn’t imagine how this project would change and evolve right in our hands.

We couldn’t even dream of working in the many fields we have worked in these years (over 100), and produce all the pieces we have made (hundreds of thousands) and solve all the problems we have faced (impossible to count!).

Today SGL gives work to many people – including my son and daughter Paolo and Marina, who have become fundamental protagonists of this company. We are located in Brendola, near Montecchio Maggiore, with a 6,000 sqm plant.

An area that would have seemed enormous 40 years ago, and that today hosts some of the most complex and advanced machineries that help us respond in a precise and personalised way to the most unpredictable requests of today’s market.

I am proud to say that SGL is an industrial carpentry company capable of offering all the required solutions for metal sheet processing. A material that we have chosen and still today, deeply represents us, more than any other type of material.

Metal Sheets, Between History and Modern Times

What we have developed towards metal sheets is a true love relationship. I really think we cannot define it, in any other way.

Metal sheets in fact, are made of a versatile, long-lasting, sustainable material, related to our territory. It’s full of history and potential and completely recyclable.

A material that is traditional and contemporary at the same time.

In SGL we have all the machineries and competences to processes it at 360° and we truly appreciate all its characteristics.

On the contrary to many of our competitors who are specialised in just one type of process, we prefer to lead our clients through a design and project process helping them choose the right solution for them. After we perform every production step in-house.

This, I can’t deny it, is what makes us most proud. Every client working with us, has at its disposal a “short and controlled” production chain, made by one supplier. It helps save time, energy and stress, and lowers all management and transportation costs, for a premium quality product.

Competence, Technology, Innovation, People: Our Winning Mix

Our working environments have only state-of-the-art machineries.

The staff in charge of them – our real wealth – has considerably grown in the years. Many of our employees started here their working careers and are still with us after more than twenty years (some of them for over thirty!), and now they are training the new generations passing on to them their valuable skills.

But our passion has not changed in these 40 years, together with our desire for constantly improving ourselves, in order to drive every project in a globally competitive scenario.

Technical skills, manual experience, technological equipment, cutting edge machineries, capability of finding new solutions with an openminded approach, a great team, a single contact person throughout the project to help solve any problem.

In SGL we have all that’s needed to create your ideas in an effective and sustainable way. Or rather, in the best possible way that a client might desire.

Making the Impossible, Possible

We have always loved challenges, and we still do. Our favourite projects are the most difficult pieces.

During these years we have received many requests by clients that had first contacted other metal carpentries and received answers like: “It’s impossible to produce, the design must be simplified” or “We would like to satisfy your request but we don’t have the right machines to produce it“.

Well, we never refuse a challenge. Because, besides offering every type of processing in-house, we love to make the impossible, possible.

The result is that our clients are our best ambassadors on the territory. Who better than them, can guarantee for us and that our method really works?

The past year has been undoubtfully very demanding. It has required from the Italian industrial system and companies a great effort and resistance. This situation challenged even the most solid and promising businesses.

It also proved something that we should never forget: that flexibility, adaptability, open-mindedness towards innovation and changes are the only compasses that can really help companies evolve in this everchanging scenario.

We have learnt this, once more, from our metal sheets and from their innate capacity of being long-lasting and versatile.

This material, that has determined our success in the past, has still so much to give in the future. And we will be there for it.

Giorgio Squaquara, Founder