We Believe in Helping Young People Grow Up.

The Best Talents on the Market

We love to forge talents. We select them, train them helping them grow up, first of all as people. We like to encourage them to express their maximum potential, and reach their happiness as human beings.

If your school wishes to set up a project with us, we would be very happy to help you.

We have designed and structured a project dedicated to Junior-High School students, to introduce young boys and girls to the metalworking industry.

We first meet the class and present our work and our industry, asking them to help us solve a simple problem, which we previously established together with the teacher.

This will allow the students to put their hands on what they previously studied in geometry (surface area and perimeter formulas) and create their own cardboard model, which will be presented to the class and created by us in metal (example in the picture)

Call us if you would like to introduce this project into your school!

We are already thinking about the next generation, because the metalworking industry is one of the roots of our territory, are we working to nurture its sprouts, so to see them flourish, one day.

Marina Squaquara

